Thursday, March 4, 2010

non... Sense

Just a day...
Was it a good day or a bad day?...
does it always have to be one or the other..?
I had a slight breakdown...
I have a job that I hardly spend any time at... (not at my own choice)
Pushing people away is still a skill of mine.. how do you become un-good at something?
I don't know what I want most of the time.... other than FREEDOM (ie: little responsibility, and unpredictable) and fun! I'm always searching for fun! does that me fun is not here... therefore I am not fun!? (hard words to accept)
I feel there is an artistic world inside of me.... how do I release that!? I need a CHANNEL! it's been photography today, but I still....I need something more intense! (crazy?)
I like school (now you know something is wrong!lol jk)
Sometimes it is hard to know what I Really Want! vurses what is just the 'American Dream'...
Do all americans want the same 'dream'???
By now you are as bored as an owl in water... just screaming to get away... lol What!?

Besides all the nonsense above... Life is wonderful!

Do yoga while eating chocolate cake... so yummy, fun, messy!


Starlee said...

oh i'm so trying the chocolate cake and yoga thing...that sounds simply wonderful! :)

meg said...

i like this list.

school is awesome. I could be a student forever, I think.

Your words about wanting to create remind me of President Uchdortf's talk about that at the RS conference in Oct of 08, I think. Beautiful words. I was walking around in a home decor store yesterday, and I was totally feeling inspired and uplifted by all the beauty. All of a sudden ideas started coming faster than I could keep up with! A few $$$ later, I have a project I can't wait to get started on. I never thought I would care that much about decorating my house, but it is so thrilling to beautify a space. Find some beauty and pretty soon you'll be inspired! Chocolate cake counts as beauty, you know. Yes. Yes it does.

and speaking of that, i have the cake part down. one out of two isn't bad... right?