Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Girl Can Dream... a lot~

I enjoy reading everyone's blogs or comments on facebook, I think that it makes me feel closer to the family I never really get to see. I loved looking at Starlee's Miss Utah pictures. They were so beautiful. And to see Angie's cakes and all the cool things she experiences in her life. And to read about Emily's projects and home decor magic... I just love feeling like I know you guys.

I have a dream...
of our someday family...
and our someday house...
with our someday dog, an akida of course...
I dream of the parties and family gatherings we will have.
The backyard gardens... roses, vegetable, and a forest of climbing trees because no matter how old I get I'll always like climbing them.
We dream of our dojo where Aikido and Yoga will be practiced.
Our children will be free to play and make "believe".

I want to give our children a full childhood so they will be confident adults knowing that their parent's loved them....
and I want to write this all down now because I know I'll forget to make the days count later if I don't keep a note of it now.

I want to raise my kids like they did 'back-in-the-day' :
family meals every night, home-made and healthy. (friends are always welcome, young and old)
Have family prayer in a circle holding hands... because I love that even though we didn't do it growing up.
And Chad will teach them all how to shoot a gun, even me... I have yet to learn.
Chad has also promised to paint little fairies on our 'someday' baby-girl's bedroom walls... he is such a good artist.
Music and laughter, I hope, will always be present in our home. I hope that sweet smells and cosy blankets are always present in my home.

I hope that the tire-swing gets more use than the computer or tv... (if we even have a tv that is)

reading the local newpapers will be a daily event and 'night games' will always be welcome in our yard...

at my house...
winters will be made warm with hot cocoa, and summers will be made cool with homemade lemonade. I hope for the simple life with friends across the world and an open door for anyone in need of a hug, a meal, or a bed for the night.
so much love. Life is as beautiful as you allow it to be!


Starlee said...

I just love following your blog too! It's sad that this is how we have to keep track of each other, but lucky that we at least have one way to keep in touch! I love your plans for your future family, and hope to have the same thing.
You are such a doll and I can't wait to see you soon! We'll have to plan a special outing when we can all get together and catch up in real life! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Star. You're right we should plan a special outing. Say... My employer just offered a cabin for me to use anytime I want (when they're not using it that is.) it's in Fairview, UT. I've never been there but I know they have a pool. Maybe we could plan something there!?