Monday, October 6, 2008

My Home Decore Wish List!

So being a wife, you get to dream about what you want your home to look like someday. I do this a lot!! I wander around my favorite home decore stores for hours (if chad lets me) picking out what I like and dislike... I don't usually take anything home with me, but I do get a decoritive 'high' from doing this. :) yeah!
<----- This hutch is close to the one that I dream about having. Only, Instead of the wood grain, I would like mine to be painted white, slightly disstressed and the 'sanded down' look around the edges. I love painting plates, and someday I plan to have a whole set of non-matching hand painted plates! Imagine how awesome those bright-colored plates will look in that described hutch! My kitchen will be roomy and bright. Someday... but until then I will enjoy the journey and enjoy my dreaming!

Chad is pretty into simplicity!! He love the Japanese style of a simple home. So our bedroom will probably have an asain feel to it... I'll post pictures soon. xoxo