Friday, June 5, 2009

Girls Gone Wild -- for park city yardsales

Last Saturday Anita (my sister) and I went to Park City yard sales! Now I know that "yard sale addiction" runs thick in my parent's blood... so it is no wonder that after my first "hit" I am now an addict. Perhaps it's the feeling of finding that treasure that you have wanted but weren't willing to pay Sears $30 for it... And you get it for $2! That is a rewarding feeling!
Ever since I was a little girl I have these thrilling dreams of someone giving me: things they didn't want, or hand-me-downs and even brand new stuff straight out of the store! These dreams were always my favorite, and I would be so disappointed to wake up knowing I really didn't have all that cool stuff I just dreamt of..
But now I know why I was having all those dreams, they were trying to lead me to Yard Sale-ing!

alright, I am exaggerating a bit... but still it's fun. Here are a couple pics of what I got at last week's yardsales.

This picture is really dark so you can't really see it, but the pillow on the left is an olive green color and the one on the right (my favorite) is a more true green.

These bed side tables are brand new from Pier 1 Imports! They are a dark brown, almost black color which match our bookshelves. They will look so great!

So my plan is to show you the pieces I collect each week, and by the end of the summer we will be moving into my parent's basement where I will make a video showing how it all comes together! xoxo


And if you know of any sites or have ideas about refurbishing furnature... or just have crafty ideas to create cute home decore, Please leave a comment about that too!

Happy yard sale-ing!